Why OnMission?
There are charities working to bring clean water to poor rural communities who desperately need it. There are many education charities and hunger relief charities. So how is OnMission different? The biggest difference is our commitment. Sadly, there are hundreds of abandoned and dilapidated wells in East Africa where we work because there is no ongoing maintenance of the water projects. Sadly, resources sent to East Africa often get misdirected because there is no ongoing relationship with the communities. The result is the poor and those in need do not benefit.
OnMission's Water, Educate, and Lunch for Learning (WELL) program provides a persistent presence in our communities. We remain involved by farming the land, maintaining the wells and teaching in schools. When there is water, land and teaching, there is nutrition and hope and so there is the potential for a better life. We are on mission – we are in relationship – we are involved. This is the OnMission commitment.