Butiriyo Schools
Like other rural schools in central Tanzania, lack of clean water and poor nutrition have had serious impacts on student health and so have significantly impeded the academic performance and future prospects of students.
Though iCAN and OnMission have identified this school as one at which the WELL program would significantly improve both student health and academic performance we have encounter a number of challenges.
First, land is remarkably scarce. There seems to be a strong cultural and familial identity attached to clan land so there is a reluctance sell land. Second, land that is available has either been inappropriate for farming and gardening, or poor candidates for good water production.
Finally, culturally children are not valued here. So there appears to be very little motivation to advance any projects for the benefit of students.
OnMission find this final difficulty compelling and a strong motivation to persist in this project.
Meeting will be held early in 2022 to discussed adjustments to the WELL program criteria to allow a certain degree of latitude when dealing with resistant communities and clans.